Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One-Room School House -- Huron County


It's time for another look of one of Ohio's original school buildings.  Late Saturday morning I was north bound on a smooth rural two lane on my motorcycle when I whizzed by this one-room schoolhouse located in New Haven Township, Huron County.  I found a safe place to get turned around and headed back to investigate. 

Like a bicycle a motorcycle is just as easy to whip off the path and park while checking out an interesting road side discovery.  This building like many of the others in my series has been converted to agricultural storage at some point.  In its original form the front door was just a normal walk in door.  The sliding barn door was added later after the school systems were consolidated and larger multi-room schools were built around the 1930's.

The wood framing is still visible in the round opening as is the wonderful stone plaque below listing the date and district.
As seen in the opening picture a small stand of trees has grown up on the south side of the schoolhouse.  One big maple in particular is growing very close to the foundation and is having a detrimental effect on the masonry to say the least.

I love this ivy creeping up the back wall.  Below I got as good as shot of the slate roof shingles as I could facing up into the sun.  The wood is rotting away and with nothing to anchor to the slates are coming loose and sliding back down to earth. 123 years and its finally giving up.  That's a pretty good run I'd say. 

 It still makes me sad when I see the old schools slipping away.  The ravages of time and the elements are a relentless enemy but each time I find a new one and preserve some images for the blog I feel a bit better.
If you are a new reader and find this school house interesting be sure to check out the others I found by clicking on the Schoolhouse label below. 

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