Per my last post I installed a new end fed half wave wire at KD8JHJ for operation at 14 MHz. Being a typical summer weekend I was pressed for time as usual and had many other things to do and places to be so a simple checkout of the antenna system using the analyzer was all I had time for. I also had to remove and reinstall a new pool filter because the old one had quit and we had been keeping the water clean with shock treatments and lots of hand straining. Hard work out in the sun I know! I never did get to the lawn mowing.
Later that day before dinner around 7:00pm local time I finally got a chance to sit down at the desk and mercilessly force some electrons up to the new 20 meter end fed.
I set up for PSK-31 because there was many strong signals showing on the waterfall. Power output was about 30 watts. Here is the first five contacts in order.
DF9YC Ostbevern, Germany 4,011 miles
SP4JEU Ostrada, Poland 4,568 miles
F5TTI Vermelles, France 3,955 miles
IZ5MXA Viareggio, Italy 4,490 miles
EA1DFU Burgos, Spain 3,934 miles
DX is a hoot on 20 meters! Four of the contacts were established by my answering the CQ calls of the respective stations. The second contact was my CQ call answered by SP4JEU in Poland. Not only the greatest span covered of the five, this contact netted me a new country for my DX list. Just a 33 foot piece of wire, no big towers, beams, rotators or amplifiers required. I also got out my tape measure and made some accurate measurements of the feed point heights above ground:
20m EFHW feed point: 30 feet
30m EFHW feed point: 34 feet
40m EFHW feed point: 38 feet